Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Daily Review: Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

Daily Review

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

System: PSP
Status: Unfinished
Currently: Near the end of Chapter 1

So yeah, I normally don't buy remakes if I already have the original, usually its not enough changes to spend more money on, but this one is well worth it. Mostly for one reason, and that's the redone translation. Say what you will about the purple prose and overly flowery and British language they go through, it doesn't dip into Dragon Quest "Thee Thou Thine" and it fits the tone...more importantly, it is far, far better than "Dragon casts Ice Bracelet!" that the original game had. That alone should be a reason to get this game even if you have the original.

My only complaint with this one is the slowdown...and it is horrendous, and I have no clue why. The original graphics were not that amazing, and yet the game slows to a dead stop whenever anyone uses any ability beyond basic attacks. Even if it doesn't have a complex animation, the game will sit and think about it for several seconds until it processes it. It doesn't seem to be a graphical issue but a processing issue, like the game has to switch gears to perform anything complex. Still, its not enough to sink the game, just makes the battles take a bit longer (while you watch the chocobo quiver in place preparing to attack).

The game itself is the Final Fantasy Tactics everyone remembers, great depth, a cool job class system, and a game system that is very unforgiving, along with story battles that range from easy to cheap. Yes, you will grind, you will grind very early, since the 4th story mission almost requires you to be 9 levels higher than the enemies to finish it without losing a character. Yes, you can still lose characters, someone keels over, you have three turns to revive them or finish the battle, or they are gone for good. Yes, for some reason protect and other spells that aren't straight up heals can miss outright due to low faith (even raise, which is great when you cast raise to bring a guy back whose death counter is about up...and it misses). Still, the game is never outright unfair. They give you tough challenges, which you can use the job system to beat with enough tactical acumen, and the tutorial actually makes sense now!

Definitely one to pick up if you own a PSP, even if you own the original. More review though as I get through it, now that I can actually understand the story.

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